Brook Forest Water District
Evergreen, Colorado
Brook Forest Water District is a special district formed under provisions of the Colorado State Statutes, which has five elected public officials. The Board provides for the financing and for the operations of a water distribution system which delivers water to community residents in southwestern Evergreen, Colorado. The Board has powers to impose service fees and taxes and to adopt Rules and Regulations governing the use of the District's system.
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Water Emergencies:

Billing Questions:

January 1, 2025 – Rate Increase:


As of January 1, 2025, a new rate for water service and readiness to serve fees will go into effect.


This past summer/fall the District installed three new water lines to replace ones that were aging and continued to have several breaks in the past few years. The total cost paid by the District for these new mains was approximately $640,000. The District was able to pay for the cost of the water main replacement projects this year with reserves.


The District is funded by both quarterly fees and by tax revenues. The fees are typically used to fund the on-going operations of the District while the tax revenues usually support the capital improvement projects, including replacement of water lines. Operation costs have been rising driven by energy, services and regulations. To begin the process of paying for the increased costs the District will institute a $10 per month fee increase beginning January 1, 2025, payable quarterly. Your new fee will be $150 per quarter. Undeveloped properties pay a Readiness-to-Serve (RTS) fee that will increase from $60 to $75 per quarter beginning January 1, 2025.


This increase is the FIRST increase since January 1, 2015. The District has been able to keep the service and RTS fees at the same rate for ten years.

Service Line Inventory Form:
Board Meetings:

Monthly meeting are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm.  Meetings are currently being held via ZOOM conference call, please contact our office via email if you would like the meeting link. Below you will find the list of meeting dates and the monthly meeting agenda.  The annual budget public hearing for the 2025 Budget will be held at the December 10, 2024 Board Meeting at 7:00pm.  In addition, the Board will discuss possible increase in rates and fees at the December 10th meeting.  If you would like the ZOOM link for the Board meeting, please contact the District Administrator at
Current Rates & Fees:

Fees are billed quarterly at the beginning of each quarter.  Water Service fees are $150/quarter and Readiness-to-Serve fees are $75/quarter.  For all other rates and fees please see the Rules and Regulations below.
Board of Directors:

Tony Langowski, President
Ted Schlaebitz - Vice President
Bruce Nicklow, Treasurer
Steve Drucker - Secretary
Bill Moston - Director

Please send any correspondence directly to the District email for any directors.